Our purpose is to always strive to give back to the community in which we live. We will continually follow a higher calling, and always carry ourselves in a manner that represents a positive image of our organization.
Our Mission
Our purpose is to always strive to give back to the community in which we live.
We will continually follow a higher calling, and always carry ourselves in a manner that represents a positive image of our organization.
Robert Sturd
President, Founder, Executive Board
Jason Irby
Vice President, Executive Board
Billy Brooks
Founder, Executive Board
Leon Green
Treasurer, Executive Board
John McClelland
Secretary, Executive Board
Tommy Reddick
Sergeant of Arms
George Wilson
Founder, Excutive Board
Rodney Dozier
Executive Board
Gary Champ
Mike Beasley
Road Captain
CJ Geiger
Road Captain
Kenyon Vaughn
Road Captain
Billy Sanders